Granite Sandblasted and Polished Plate Stones

This product is classified as plate stones and generally preferred for large pavements of municipalities, open-space arrangements and construction of prestigious avenues. These materials are suitable for large area applications in special projects. Since these stones have large size, deformation and collapse rates are lower. This is an indispensable product for long-term use.

Granite Cube Stone Natural Crushing and Straight Cutting

Since these materials have a small size, it is possible to use in narrow spaces and garden paths. It is possible to use this material alone or with other products due to geometric structure. These stones are commonly used in municipality and special sectoral projects due to wide range of applications and easier labour compared to smaller stones.

Granite Cube Stone Natural Crushing and Straight Cutting

Since these materials have a small size, it is possible to use in narrow spaces and garden paths. It is possible to use this material alone or with other products due to geometric structure. These stones are commonly used in municipality and special sectoral projects due to wide range of applications and easier labour compared to smaller stones.

Aged and Tumbled Granite

These stones are commonly used between concrete cobblestones due to small size, ease-of-use, aesthetic look, ease of assembly-disassembly. These materials can be used in all types of large and narrow area and this product is emphasised for pre- and post-application efficiency. It is possible to create chic patterns with square stones, plate stones and cube stones.

Granite Boundary Elements – Grid – Granite Bordure

Granite boundary elements are used in pavement or road junctions to prevent parking to pedestrian walking areas, to prevent loading-unloading trucks and to ensure safety due to uncontrolled behaviours of pedestrians and vehicles. Granite grids are used as a construction material rather than decoration material to prevent floods and overflows due to rainwater and city water.

Granite Boundary Elements – Grid – Granite Bordure

Granite boundary elements are used in pavement or road junctions to prevent parking to pedestrian walking areas, to prevent loading-unloading trucks and to ensure safety due to uncontrolled behaviours of pedestrians and vehicles. Granite grids are used as a construction material rather than decoration material to prevent floods and overflows due to rainwater and city water.

Granite Border – Granite Gutter

Granite curb is a natural basalt stone product to support plate stones and to ensure longer lifecycle for coating stones. Granite gutter is construction materials to prevent overflow due to rainwater or city water.